How Can I Explore and Utilize Skema's Sustainability Analysis Tools? - Ask Alex

Explore the Sustainability Analysis Tools Available in Skema

Learn about Skema's sustainability analysis tools to measure sunlight, vertical sky component (VSC), and daylight in this episode of Ask Alex.


Alex here and a question I've been asked

is what sustainable analysis tools are

offered in Skema and what analysis can

I run on my site or within my project

and at the massing level you can run

three different sustainable analysis so

one of them is the sunlight analysis

tool which again is just a baseline

analysis of how the sun will hit your

site you can change certain elements of

it you can change the radius which

affects how much of the context is

analyzed and you can affect the grid

size and this just affects the graphic

qualities of it and gives you a little

bit more detail into the

analysis another analysis tool Skema

offers is the vertical Sky component

analysis tool this one is more often

used in a European context and what this

analyzes is a point in the building in

which you can see the sky or the Sun so

how much clearance you have and how much

visibility you have to see the sky and

our last analysis tool is the daylight

analysis tool and this is an integration

with Cove tool so one of the benefits of

Skema being a web-based software is we

can have Integrations with different

tools and different analysis softwares

and different programs and this is just

one of our first to


and as you can see what this tool does

is it analyzes the interior daylighting of a project


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