Will My Edits in Skema Reflect in Revit Once I Export? - Ask Alex
Any edits done in Skema will be reflected into your Revit export
When working in Skema you can freely edit your cataloged units without being worried if they'll show up properly once exported to Revit. In this edition of Ask Alex, you'll see how you can clone two units and mirror them with just the click of a button. From there, you'll be able to see what those units now look like in Revit.
Alex here and a question I've been asked is if I make edits to units within my catalog and Skema
will these edits be reflected and show up in my Revit export and the answer is yes they will for
example if I were to just bring in one of the units within my catalog and make some simple
edits to it so I could clone it very quickly and then what I can do is Select this unit and
simply mirror it so if I want two walls to be directly next to each other I can simply just
mirror my unit and mirror all the BIM data within it and then when I get to Revit it will be fully
reflected in that mirroring function and here are those units exported into Revit and as you can see
simply by just selecting that mirror button I was very easily able to mirror all the BIM data
Within These units and I was very easily able to edit the rest of the units within my Skema layout