How Do Skema's Polyline Massing Tools Help Customize Massing? - Ask Alex

Understanding the Polyline Massing Tools in Skema

In this Ask Alex video, you'll see how incredibly easy it is to customize your mass exactly how you want it using the Polyline Massing tools available in Skema.


Alex here and a question I've been asked is what's the best way to go about editing the

mass of a polyline massing that you've created and there's a couple ways to go about doing it

first thing you should do is hover your mouse over the mass as such and then you can hit the

Tab Key to toggle the selection you making between the block the building or the floor

of the mass so you want to get it to the building to select the entire created massing and then you

can go about changing some of the settings for example I can change the name to building one

I can change the floor count and let's make it four I can change the floor height to 12

and I can change the width to 65 ft and I can classify the function as residential now that

I have all the base settings configured to the way I want them to what I can do is go in select

the building and begin to add different parts to it and adding Parts just creates separate blocks

within the entire building itself so now what I can do is go in select these different blocks

or these different parts and I can start to edit them a little bit more so I could make the floor

height 12 change the floor count to nine and then I can change the space used to whatever

I want them to be so for example I can make this offices and I can s this block change it as well

to seven stories change the floorhead to 12 and I can change the space use of this to retail and now

I have more of a developed geometry and more of a shape created within the polyline building itself.


How Can I Quickly Create a Multi-Use Layout Using Skema's Freeform Massing Tools? - Ask Alex