If You Use Revit

- or any other BIM system -
You’ll Want Skema

Fast-forward Your Design Process with Skema

Sign up now for a free 30-day trial of Skema

Skema Takes Your Design from Schematic to BIM in Minutes
- not Months 

What if you could easily reuse the best elements of your previous successful designs to fast-forward your schematic to BIM workflow by up to 2 months?


Get More from
Your Best BIM Projects
with Skema’s AI-Powered

BIM Knowledge Reuse Engine 

Enhance the accuracy and quality of your new designs by harnessing the intelligence of your previous design work

Fast-forward to a new level of productivity and flexibility with Skema’s game-changing ability to turn your own past designs into flexible Design Catalogs 

“Skema’s Design Catalog Manager gives us new opportunities to get more value from our BIM investments.”

Nicholas Kramer, Associate and Director of Inspire Design, LPA

Use your Skema Design Catalog to solve the overall arrangement during the feasibility phase

You decide what unitized design elements to put in your Design Catalogs

  • Large or Small: any element that repeats in your design

  • as large as a 3-bedroom apartment or a surgery suite

  • as small as a classroom, data hall, bathroom pod, or exam room

Use Skema’s intuitive puzzle-piece approach and morphing tools to rapidly prototype different layouts and configurations in the project’s early stages

Better data leads to high quality options & less risk

“Skema allows us to generate custom libraries specific to client, typology, or market. We can quickly iterate multiple conceptual schemes with a client, generate a highly detailed model solution, and get a fully integrated Revit model within minutes.” 

Michael Hodge, Principal, Digital Practice and Design Technology, TVS

With a shallow learning curve,

you can easily integrate


into your workflow.

What others are saying about us

“What Skema offers is nothing short of a major productivity benefit. For certain types of buildings, it could squeeze project timelines from months to weeks.”

Martyn Day, November 2023

Skema’s flexibility makes is ideal for quickly designing a multitude of building types.

Cadalyst, October 2023

Skema presents a win for both firms and clients, allowing for more rapid prototyping of different layouts and configurations, and faster iterations in a project’s early stages.

TVS Blog, August 2023

“I found Skema very easy to learn and use, with a very useful onboarding guide.”

Lachmi Khemlani, January 2024

“By using Skema, you can delight your clients with exceptional quality, speed, level of detail, and data in the conceptual design phase while raising your profit margin at the same time.”

— Jim Balding
Founder, The ANT Group

“Skema’s Design Catalog Manager gives us new opportunities to get more value from our BIM investments”

— Nicholas Kramer
Associate and Director of Inspire Design, LPA

“I have not seen a tool that harnesses AI more effectively than Skema to save time and money at the most critical times in the development process.”

— Jeff Shaw
CEO, Bridge Commercial Real Estate and Senior Managing Director,
Bridge Investment Group

Fast-evolving Skema has a lot to offer architects looking to leverage AI and machine learning in practical ways to win work faster and increase economic performance for both firm and client.”

— Anthony Frausto-Robledo
Editor, Architosh 

Future-Enable Your Practice

Use Skema to efficiently win work. Intuitively resolve site, context, massing, sustainability, blocking, stacking and proforma metrics, all directly in your web browser. Easily generate and compare options that leverage your design knowledge. 

Once you’ve settled on a design, Skema generates a bulletproof BIM deliverable in minutes, instead of months. Skmea combines the power of AI and full BIM Integration to generate BIM (up to LOD 350) deliverables that get you paid. 

Be at the forefront of the future of design

From creating high-quality design options to generating BIM models you can trust, dramatically cut your throwaway efforts and get results.

Skema provides

  • Feasibility assessment

  • Intuitive mass modeling

  • Computational urban planning

  • Options management

  • Blocking & stacking

  • Key figures calculations

  • BIM in Minutes Boost instead of data loss

AI-enabled Morphing

Conceptual Design

Block and Stack

BIM up to LOD 350

Works with your BIM tools

High Interoperability